The project develops and integrated framework with a rich set of tools and techniques for the analysis and classification of maritime domain data, for creation of behavioral models of typical classes of vessels and prediction of their routes and actions, for planning of optimal routes of long range transport vessels and for risk assessment of potentially dangerous areas.

The project explores multi-agent systems can be used to improve maritime security, with particular focus on fighting maritime piracy. The ultimate objective of the project is to develop an integrated set of algorithmic techniques for maximizing transit security given the limited protection resources available. This is achieved by improving the coordination of the movement of merchant vessels and naval patrols, while taking into account the behavior of pirates. To this end, the project develops agent-based simulation of maritime traffic, piracy risk modeling and assessment algorithms and game-theoretic techniques for coordinated, risk-minimizing routing of transit traffic and navy patrols.

Vessel trajectories data Vessel trajectories data
Maritime traffic simulation Maritime traffic simulation
Piracy risk estimation Piracy risk estimation
Risk-minimizing transit and patrol routing Risk-minimizing transit and patrol routing